Externally funded research projects

Both national and international funds support the research conducted at the Department of Political Science. Up to half of our research is funded through grants to research projects.

For more information on all active externally funded projects, please see the list below.

(Counter)-piracy infrastructures in the Gulf of Guinea (COPIGoG). Katja Jacobsen. 2022-2024. Funded by the Danida Fellowship Centre.

ADVODID. Anne Rasmussen. 2021-2026. Funded by European Research Council (ERC Consolidator Grant).

ANATEM: Anatomy of Empire. Jacob Gerner Hariri. 2021-2026. Funded by the Independent Research Fund Denmark.

Applying the rules of the European Health Union (EU-Apply). Dorte Sindbjerg Martinsen. 2023-2027. Funded by the Independent Research Fund Denmark.

Bodies as Battleground. Lene Hansen. 2018-2024. Funded by the Independent Research Fund Denmark.

Charcoal conflict in climate change’s decarbonisation dilemmas. Ole Wæver. 2023-2027. Funded by the Danida Fellowship Centre.

ClimBio Frontiers: Transnational Climate-Biodiversity Governance and Transformation. Michele Merrill Betsill. 2024-2027. Funded by the Independent Research Fund Denmark.

Democratic Innovations in a Green Transition (DIGT). Lars Tønder. 2021-2024. Funded by the Independent Research Fund Denmark.

E Pluribus Plures: Is identity politics a new fault line in contemporary societies?Peter Thisted Dinesen. 2020-2025. Funded by the Independent Research Fund Denmark.

HOPE - How Democracies Cope with COVID19. Rebecca Adler-Nissen. 2020-2024. Funded by the Carlsberg Foundation.

KV2017 - udsendelse af Grundloven. Kasper Møller Hansen. 2017-2025. Støttet af (funded by) Folketinget.

KV2017 - udsendelse af SMS. Kasper Møller Hansen. 2017-2025. Støttet af (funded by) Rådet for Etniske Minoriteter.

MEMOCRACY - The Challenge of Populist Memory Politics for Europe: Towards Effective Responses to Militant Legislation on the Past. Maria Mälksoo. 2021-2024. Funded by the Volkswagen Foundation.

Militarization, sustainable growth and peace. Ole Wæver. 2019-2024. Funded by the Danida Fellowship Centre.

Ocean Infrastructures (OCINFRA): How the oceans are governed today. Christian Bueger. 2022-2025. Funded by the VELUX Foundations.

Origins of Descriptive Representation (ODER). Frederik Hjorth. 2023-2026. Funded by the Carlsberg Foundation.

Rewards at the top. Lene Holm Pedersen. 2016-2024. Funded by the Independent Research Fund Denmark.

RITUAL DETERRENCE. Ritual Action: Making Deterrence Matter in International Security and Memory Politics. Maria Mälksoo. 2022-2027. Funded by the European Research Council (ERC) Consolidator Grant (ERC-2021-COG).

Social Media and Political Representation (SoMeRep). Anne Rasmussen. 2021-2025. Funded by the Danish Council for Independent Research.

SOVEREIGN - Digital sovereignty: European visions for self-determination in a digital age. Rebecca Adler-Nissen. 2021-2025. Funded by the Velux Foundation.

The Behavioral Citizen. Asmus Leth Olsen. 2019-2024. Funded by the Sapere Aude-programme of the Independent Research Fund Denmark.

The Danish Model for Citizen Engagement in the Renewable energy Transition (DART). Lars Tønder. 2023-2026. Funded by the Innovation Fund Denmark.

The Democratic Implications of Political Harassment and Sexism (DIPAS). Karina Kosiara-Pedersen. 2022-2025. Funded by the Independent Research Fund Denmark.

The Future of Humanitarian Design (HUD). Jonathan Luke Austin. 2023-2027. Funded by a 3.2 million EUR Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) grant.

The Hub for Mis- and Disinformation Research (DISMIS). Yevgeniy Golovchenko. 2022-2024. Funded by the Department of Political Science, University of Copenhagen.

Undersøgelse af valgdeltagelse. Kasper Møller Hansen. 2010-2025. Støttet af (funded by) Ministeriet for Flygtninge, Indvandrere og Integration.

Valgundersøgelse 2019. Kasper Møller Hansen. 2019-2024. Støttet af (funded by) Økonomi- og Indenrigsministeriet.

Vital Politics: Rethinking Normativity in the Anthropocene (VIPO). Lars Tønder. 2021-2024. Funded by the Independent Research Fund Denmark.