Nina Græger

Nina Græger

Head of Department, Professor

  • Department of Political Science, Management

    Øster Farimagsgade 5, 4.2., Building: 04-2-12

    1353 København K

    Phone: +4535337662Mobile: +4593516018

Member of:

Nina Græger holds an MSc in Economics (Cand. Polit.) from the Department of Political Science at the University of Oslo in 1994 (in Denmark known as Cand. Scient. Pol) and a PhD (dr. polit.) from the same place in 2007 with the dissertation Norwegian Defence Discourse 1990-2005: The Internationalization of the Armed Forces. The dissertation analyses the internationalisation and restructuring of the armed forces and defense policy in the period 1990-2005 from a discourse- and practice-theory perspective.

Research career

  • The Norwegian Atlantic Committee (similarly Atlantic Association), 1991-1992
  • Peace Research Institute, Oslo (PRIO), 1993-1998
  • Norwegian Utenrikspolitisk Institutt (NUPI), 1998-2019
  • Norwegian University of Environment and Bioscience (NMBU), affiliated as teacher, course organizer, supervisor, sensor, MA programme in International Relations, 2013-2017

She has had editor roles on several special publications, books, and reports, including:

- 2018- present: Member of the Editorial Board of Scandinavian Journal of Military Studies

- 2023- present: Member of the Editorial Board of Cooperation and Conflict

- 2018- present: President of the Nordic International Studies Association (NISA), with overall responsibility for editorial development, finances, and appointment of editors for the journal Cooperation and Conflict (SAGE)

- 2018- 2020: Member of the editorial board of International Political Science

- 2005-2014: Co-editor of International Peacekeeping (Routledge)

Nina Græger has extensive experience in obtaining external funding and managing heavy research projects with national and international consortia, such as:

- 2015-2018: The Duty of Care: Protecting Citizens Abroad (DoC: PRO), funded by the Research Council of Norway (PI)

- 2006-2008: The strategic programme "Hegemony and World Order", funded by the Research Council of Norway (PI)

- 2010-2015: EUPERFORM - Measuring the EU's Performance in International Institutions, funded by the European Science Foundation (national PI)

- 2011-2015: GR:EEN - Global Reordering: Evolution through European Networks, funded by the 7th EU Council Framework programme (work package coordinator for 16 participants from eight countries)

- 2020-2023: E-NOTE - European Network on Teaching Excellence, funded by the EU's ERASMUS+ research collaboration grant (national PI)

- 2024-2026: CEE Security Hub - A critical relational perspective on peace & security in Central and Eastern Europe, funded by Horizon Europe (Widera) (co-applicant and partner)

Nina Grægers full Curriculum Vitae can be read and downloaded here

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