
Each PhD student receives an allowance of 30,000 DKK for the duration of their studies that can be used for conferences and Ph.D. courses without application. In addition to this allowance, the department supports research stays (see below). For any needs beyond the initial allowance, an application must be submitted to the Head of the PhD program, as describes below.

Please keep a record of all expenses covered by the department, as you will be asked for this record once a year.

Grants and applications

You can apply the Head of the PhD program for grants for conference attendance and PhD courses that exceeds the standard allowance. The application should be sent to the Head of PhD program, who normally processes it per email in accordance with these guidelines adopted by the PhD Program Committee. The application should also be sent to the supervisor, who must approve the application (can be done via mail) before the grant can be given.

When the budget for a course is accepted by the head of the PhD program, the PhD-student needs to keep the e-mail from the head of the PhD-program to be able to show to the department’s accounting team as proof of accepted budget.

You can apply for travel, hotel/accommodation, course/conference fee and allowances.

Current rates

Allowance rates, limits for hotel expenses, etc. can be found at (varies from country to country):

For courses longer than one week, daily allowance is not possible. In this case allowance is calculated as field works and research stay abroad. See section on field work and stay abroad.


The application must be sent in an email (no attachment). It is important that the application contains information about the purpose of the journey and itemizes the expenses. The application must be sent in good time before you e.g. apply for a course or conference.

After the end of travel, you must fill out a document in RejsUd2.

In order to help travel abroad, the University of Copenhagen offers Master cards to PhD students so expenditures can be credited directly to your person in the department accounting system. Contact Bitten Dalsgaard to get this as well as an insurance card from Europæiske. This is proof that you are covered by the department’s travel insurance.

Criteria for award

For conferences: You have to present a new full paper (not poster) to receive a grant.

For PhD courses: Courses outside Denmark can be justified if they have high relevance for the dissertation and if there is no similar course in Denmark.