Admission to the PhD programme

Ph.D.- scholarships at the Department of Political Science are advertised once a year with a closing date for applications around the 1st of March.

A written application is required to be admitted to the PhD programme. It is up to the Head of the PhD programme whether the applicant is qualified for enrolment or not.

Please note that it is advised that you contact the professor you want as a supervisor, before you apply for the program.

Unfortunately, we are not able to comment individually on all the proposals we receive before the formal application process.
Below are the options you have generally in terms of applying for a PhD Scholarship here at the University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Social Sciences.
Option one: During the year, PhD Scholarships are announced here:

These scholarships are announced when new research projects for example have funding for a specific scholarship within a specific field.
Option 2: Apply for an advertised position/scholarship at the University of Copenhagen. There is one advertisement every year with a deadline for applications 1st May. The positions are advertised on the general website of the University of Copenhagen and the Copenhagen Graduate School of Social Sciences. The site with the advertisements will be updated when the advertisement is open for application. In the advertisement, there is a link to an electronic form, which you are to fill in to apply. A scholarship covers all the normal expenses for the study program.
If you check the pages about application, you find information about which enclosures to upload. You should upload the diplomas/transcripts and score reports, which you find more relevant to your application. I have no desire to discourage you, but I have to inform applicants that the competition for scholarships is quite steep.
On the web site of Copenhagen Graduate School of Social Sciences, You will find more information that is general:
And information about international staff mobility is found at
Option 3: Is to apply for enrolment only (not scholarship) if you bring your own funding. More information about the tuition fees and expenses of enrollment is found at:
If you apply bringing your own funding, you can apply any time you chose. There is also information about this on the homepage. If you check the website and find you meet the criteria for enrolment and have sufficient funding, you can write to Lene Holm Pedersen personally as explained on the website.
We hope this information is useable in your pursuit of a PhD Scholarship here in Denmark. If you have any further questions please contact