Department Faculty Board

The purpose of the Department Faculty Board is to create a forum where permanent academic staff interacts with the department management and is involved in and may influence on research and educational strategic matters, including staffing plans and recruitment strategy. The Department Faculty Board supports the Head of Department in assessing the overall perspective of the department’s academic development and ensures transparency and ongoing anchoring of decisions in the organisation.

The department faculty board consists of the following chairpersonship and members:


Dorte Sindbjerg Martinsen (chairperson)
Nina Græger (vice-chairperson)



Management Team members:
Nina Græger (Head of Department)
Asmus Leth Olsen (Deputy Head for Research)
Lars Tønder (Head of Studies)

Appointed members:
Michele Betsill (coordinator, Research Group on Green Politics)
Frederik Hjorth (research group leader, Danish and Comparative Politics – Behavior, Institutions, and Methods)

Faculty members:
Anders Berg-Sørensen (Political Theory)
Kasper Møller Hansen (Danish and Comparative Politics – Behavior, Institutions, and Methods)
Wiebke Marie Junk (Public Administration and Policy)
Karina Kosiara-Pedersen (Gender & Politics)
Dorte Sindbjerg Martinsen (Centre for European Politics)
Jens Ladefoged Mortensen (Research Group on Green Politics)
Ole Wæver (International Relations)