On the elementary neural forms of interaction rituals

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperCommunication

Randall Collins’ interaction ritual (IR) theory suggests solidarity as neurologically hardwired in the capacity for rhythmic entrainment. Yet, this article suggests that IR theory may benefit from being tied more firmly to recent neurological research, specifically Stephen W. Porges’ neurophysiological polyvagal theory. IR theory does not sufficiently acknowledge the autonomic nervous system as a system involving a phylogenetically ordered response hierarchy, of which only one subsystem supports prosocial behavior. The ritual ingredients of shared attention and mood may be clarified as part of a social engagement system, neurally regulating attention and arousal via brain-face-heart circuits. This allows rhythmic entrainment to be specified as a neural epiphenomenon of the social engagement system. The polyvagal perspective, moreover, challenges IR theory to reconsider the importance of biological individual differences. Ritual success may not merely be ascribed to interactional effects, but also to reciprocal causality between situations and neurobiological properties of ritual participants.
Original languageEnglish
Publication date2015
Publication statusPublished - 2015
EventAmerican Sociological Association: Annual Meeting - Chicago, United States
Duration: 22 Aug 201525 Aug 2015


ConferenceAmerican Sociological Association
CountryUnited States

ID: 135756133