DPS scholars present research at a major international relations meeting
The Central and Eastern European International Studies Association is one of the most important European associations in the field of international relations. More than 700 scholars with an intellectual relation to the region gathered at the June 2024 conference, held in Rijeka, Croatia. Thirteen scholars from DPS presented their research.

The project Ritual Deterrence, funded by the European Research Council and led by Prof. Maria Mälksoo organised a pre-conference workshop on the island of Cres. Twelve scholars from across Europe and North America discussed rituals in world politics. The team’s research on deterrence and the consequences it has for the region further featured in the main conference programme.
The Ocean Infrastructure research group, led by Prof. Christian Bueger, used this historic port location to organise a roundtable on infrastructures. The group also presented four papers on how infrastructures, such as cables and windfarms, change our relation to the oceans and how new threats arise, such as the shadow fleet in the Baltic Sea region.
Dr Cornelia Baciu of the Centre of Military Studies organised two panels focused on the research frontier in the study of ontological security which is part of an ongoing special issue project.
Prof. Ole Wæver, Director of the Centre for Resolution of International Conflicts, organized a panel on the trend in the discipline to frame intellectual innovation as 'turns'.
Maria Mälksoo and Christian Bueger also participated in the plenary roundtables on the state of knowledge production in international relations and celebrating the importance of the Journal of International Relations and Development, respectively.