Fall Graduation 2024

Fall graduation 2024 poster

True to tradition, the half-yearly graduate reception is held at the Department of Political Science, where we will celebrate all of you that recently handed in your thesis. We invite you to take part in the celebration!

Date & time: 18 September 2024, 16:00-18:00
Location: Centre for Health and Society, Entrance from Gammeltoftsgade, building 35, room 35.01.05.

At 16:00, the Head of Studies Lars Tønder will welcome the new graduates and their families. The program consists of a congratulatory speech from Head of Department Nina Græger, musical performances, thesis awards ceremony and a special guest who is invited to give the graduation speech.

The official program will last for approximately one hour, after which the Department will host a small reception. 

Family and friends are very welcome to both the event and the subsequent reception. Please register your guests in the required fields on the registration form. OBS max 2 guest per graduate.

Register for the graduation celebration here and sign in your guests as well.

Unable to attend the graduation? We encourage you to become a member of the Political Science and UCPH Alumni networks. Join below up and stay in touch with The Department of Political Science and University of Copenhagen.

Membership will among other things give you access to a number of special offers.