(Counter)-piracy infrastructures in the Gulf of Guinea (COPIGoG)
This project investigates various flows of piracy and counterpiracy infrastructures in West Africa’s Gulf of Guinea region. The aim is to assess how different flows function, succeed and/or fail – on their own and in interaction with one another. By theorizing as well as producing new empirical data about infrastructural flows (e.g. fuel or data), this project will contribute new findings and new conceptual tools of relevance for both academia and practitioners in the field of maritime security.

COPIGoG investigates the multiplicity of actors and activities involved in maritime (in)security infrastructures through a multi-dimensional methodology, which opens up for comparing three different perspectives: community narratives (WP1), piracy networks (WP2) counterpiracy responses (WP3).
Piracy and the Broader ‘Gun Business’ in the Niger Delta (2024), International Affairs, with Rasmussen
Do Not Come Out to Vote, 2023, Global Initiative, with Madueke et al.
“Maritime Crime in the Western Indian Ocean. Interlinkages and dynamics” IN: Maritime Crime and Policing (eds.) (2023)
PIRATJAGT (SDU publishing house)
Article on the Department of Political Science's website on 14 July 2022: Despite many years of effort: Pirates still lurk in the Gulf of Guinea.
Article in Information on 14 July 2022: Der er færre piratangreb i Vestafrika, men udfordringerne i regionen er ikke forsvundet (in Danish).
Deadline: Afrikas århundrede. 27 August 2024 (In Danish).
The project is carried out in collaboration with partners in Ghana, including at the Centre for Maritime Law and Security Africa (CEMLAWS Africa).
Funded by:
It is a research project under the Center of Military Studies at the Department of Political Science. The project is supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with funding of almost 5 million DKK, administered by Danida Fellowship Centre
Project: (Counter)-piracy infrastructures in the Gulf of Guinea (COPIGoG)
Period: 1 April 2022 to 30 September 2024
Katja L. Jacobsen
Senior Researcher at Centre for Military Studies
Department of Political Science
Email: kj@ifs.ku.dk
Phone: +45 35 33 38 69
Researchers based in Denmark:
Senior Researcher at UCPH Katja L. Jacobsen (PI) |
Post.doc (to be announced) |
Researcher at DIIS Jessica Larsen |
Researchers based in Ghana:
Research assistant at CEMLAWS Stephanie Schandorf |
Senior Lecturer at CEMLAWS Ali Kamal-Deen |
CEMLAWS Associate Dr Nana Ofosu-Boateng |
CEMLAWS Associate and Senior Lecturer at University of Nigeria Freedom Onuoha |