ClimBio Frontiers: Transnational Climate-Biodiversity Governance and Transformation

The project explores how transnational governance initiatives (TGIs) are delineating the contours of the “climate-biodiversity frontier” as a new governance arena. The project analyzes how TGIs contribute to transformative change in governance by integrating climate and biodiversity goals while simultaneously advancing social justice.

Boats. Photo: Colourbox

There is growing awareness that the global challenges of climate change and biodiversity loss are intertwined and can no longer be addressed in isolation. In response, many non-state actors working through transnational governance initiatives (TGIs) bring together climate, biodiversity and social justice goals. The project will analyse how TGIs are addressing fundamental political questions. Project leader Michele Betsill elaborates, “Whose rights and interests should be protected when linking climate change, biodiversity loss and social justice? And who decides?”




  1. What forms of transnational governance are emerging to simultaneously address climate, biodiversity, and social goals?
  2. How are the interconnections between climate change, biodiversity loss, and social justice framed and contested through the work of TGIs?








  • Work Package 1 will develop a new and unique open-access database to systematically map the diversity of TGIs simultaneously pursuing climate, biodiversity, and social goals.
  • Work Package 2 will examine how TGIs frame the interconnections between climate change, biodiversity loss, and social justice.




























Name Title Phone E-mail
Betsill, Michele Merrill Professor +4535330826 E-mail

Funded by:

Logo - Independent Research Fund Denmark

Project: ClimBio Frontiers: Transnational Climate-Biodiversity Governance and Transformation
Start: 2024
End: 2027


Michele Betsill
Principal Investigator
Department of Political Science
Phone: +45 35 33 08 26

External members:

Harriet Bulkeley Professor, Durham University/Utrecht University
Stacy VanDeveer Professor, University of Massachusetts, Boston