Nordic Centre of Excellence for Security Technologies and Societal Values (NordSTEVA)

NordSTEVA was a virtual centre of excellence whose aim was to advance research, education and training, industrial strategy and public policy in support of a wider and deeper understanding of the security technology/values interface. From 2014 - 2021, the centre drew together and integrated diverse ideas, capabilities and experiences in order to generate new knowledge, new approaches, and new solutions in support of the enhancement of Nordic societal security

Project period: 2014-2021
Principal Investigator (PI): Karen Lund Petersen


































































Name Title Phone E-mail
Wæver, Ole Head of Centre, Professor +4535323431 E-mail

Involved researchers:

Name Title Work location Research field
Karen Lund Petersen Principal investigator Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS)
Bruno Oliveira Martins Senior researcher PRIO RG1: Law and Ethics + RG2: Digital Matters
Kira Vrist Rønn Assistant Professor CAST/KP RG1: Law and Ethics
Kristoffer Lidén Senior Researcher PRIO RG1: Law and Ethics + RG2: Digital Matters
Mareile Kaufmann Senior Researcher PRIO RG1: Law and Ethics + RG2: Digital Matters
Peter Burgess Professor Geopolitics of Risk RG1: Law and Ethics
Elida K.U. Jacobsen Senior researcher PRIO RG2: Digital Matters
Maria Gabrielsen Jumbert Senior researcher PRIO RG2: Digital Matters
Nina Boy Senior researcher PRIO RG2: Digital Matters
Stine Bergersen Doctoral researcher PRIO RG2: Digital Matters
Trine Villumsen Berling Senior reseacher CAST RG3: Politics of Security
Grahame Thompson Emeritus professor CAST RG3: Politics of Security
Anna Leander Professor CAST/CBS RG3: Politics of Security
Kristoffer Christensen PhD student CAST RG3: Politics of Security
Mark Jaeger
Post Doc CAST RG3: Politics of Security
Odd Einar Olsen Professor Uni. of Stavanger RG4: Risk Governance
Sissel Haugdal Jore Associate Professor / Center Leader SEROS SEROS RG4: Risk Governance
Claudia Morsut Post Doc Fellow SEROS RG4: Risk Governance
Henrik Tehler Professor / Director LUCRAM LUCRAM RG4: Risk Governance
Sindre Høyland Post Doc Fellow SEROS RG4: Risk Governance
Kenneth Pettersen 1. ammanuensis SEROS RG4: Risk Governance
Ole Andreas Engen Professor SEROS RG4: Risk Governance
Preben Lindøe Professor SEROS RG4: Risk Governance
Ruth Østgård Skotnes Associate Professor SEROS RG4: Risk Governance
Mette Leonhardsen PhD Candidate SEROS RG4: Risk Governance
Peter Månsson PhD Candidate LUCRAM RG4: Risk Governance
Henrik Hassel Associate Professor LUCRAM RG4: Risk Governance
Fredrik Johnsson PhD Candidate LUCRAM RG4: Risk Governance
Lexin Lin PhD Candidate LUCRAM RG4: Risk Governance
Per Gustafsson PhD Candidate LUCRAM RG4: Risk Governance
Marcus Abrahamsson Head of office Lund University RG4: Risk Governance
Mark Rhinard Professor SIS RG5: Institutions
Ian Higham PhD student SIS RG5: Institutions
Jonatan Stiglund PhD student SIS RG5: Institutions
Louise Bengtsson PhD student SIS RG5: Institutions
Markus Lyckman Research Officer SIS RG5: Institutions
Stefan Borg Lecturer SIS RG5: Institutions
Thomas Jonter Professor, Director SIS RG5: Institutions
Ari-Elmeri Hyvönen Postdoc Uni. of Tampere RG6: Policing and Resilience
Minna Branders PhD, Researcher Uni. of Tampere RG6: Policing and Resilience
Tapio Juntunen PhD Student Uni. of Tampere RG6: Policing and Resilience + RG2: Digital Matters
Sirpa Virta Professor Uni. of Tampere RG6: Policing and Resilience
Juha Vuori

Professor Uni. of Tampere RG6: Policing and Resilience
Rune Saugmann Researcher Uni. of Tampere RG6: Policing and Resilience
Mikko Räkköläinen Researcher Uni. of Tampere RG6: Policing and Resilience
Johanna Liljeroos-Cork Researcher Uni. of Tampere RG6: Policing and Resilience

Funded by:

NordSTEVA was financed by NordForsk

Project: NordSTEVA
Period: 2014-2021