Militarisation, sustainable growth and peace in Uganda
Project period: 2019-2024
Principal Investigator (PI): Ole Wæver
This project on militarisation, sustainable growth and peace in Uganda will examine the concept of militarisation in Uganda and its implications for Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) No. 16 on peace, justice and strong institutions.
The rationale behind this project is to explore the current trend of militarisation in Uganda with a threefold aim: First, to better understand the militarisation phenomenon in Uganda and to analyse its scope and consequences; second, to contribute to theoretical conceptualisations of militarisation and militarism; and third, to increase the dialogue and awareness among private and public stakeholders in Uganda about how democratic accountability, protection of rights and state-building can be strengthened in an era of militarisation.
The project comprises four themes, which are organised in four work packages: Theme 1 on militarisation and development, Theme 2 on militarisation, institutions and human rights, underlying Theme A on the Ugandan military, its identity and practices, and overarching Theme B on regionalism.
The project is a collaboration between the Human Rights and Peace Centre (HURIPEC) and the Centre for Resolution of International Conflicts (CRIC) at the University of Copenhagen and will run for four years. It will be conducted through an innovative multidisciplinary combination of methodologies, drawing on law, political science and sociology, and will be approached from a militarisation-versus-militarism perspective. The project aims to work closely with key public-sector institutions and encourage a participatory and collaborative approach with major stakeholders, including the military, police, parliament and judiciary. It will be implemented through field activities, multi-stakeholder seminars and research seminars, academic publications and disseminations, among other activities.
For more information, please contact Sylvie Namwase at HURIPEC or Ole Wæver at CRIC.
Sylvie Namwase
Human Rights and Peace Centre
Ole Wæver
Centre for Resolution of International Conflicts
Start date: 1 May, 2019
End date: 31 March, 2024
Countries: Uganda
Thematic areas: Conflict, Peace and security, State building, Government and Civil Society
Project coordinator: Ole Wæver
Total grant: 11,995,399 DKK