European Research at the University of Copenhagen (EURECO)

EURECO was set up in 2009 as a cooperation within European research between research centres at the faculty of Humanities, the Faculty of Law, and the Faculty of Social Sciences. EURECO held its last workshop seminar and lecture series in fall 2017.

Project period: 2009-2017
Chair of EURECO's academic board: Marlene Wind




European Research at the University of Copenhagen (EURECO) was a research cooperative between the Faculty of Social Sciences, the Faculty of Law, and the Faculty of Humanities. EURECO's aim was to generate cutting edge research on the EU with an international impact.

There were two primary goals with EURECO. The first goal was to strengthen the interdisciplinary study of Europe at University of Copenhagen. This was done by awarding minor grants to interfaculty activities and projects. The second goalwas to convey knowledge retrieved from research on the topic of Europe to the general public. Therefore, EURECO presented the EURECO Distinguished Lecture Series every year and organized a number of other public events.

The formal organization of EURECO was similar to an umbrella structure with participation of either one or more research centers from the three faculties. The principle management was handled by the Steering Committee, while EURECO’s AcademicBoard/Coordination group was responsible for the everyday coordination of activities (including the EURECO Distinguished Lecture Series) and awarding smaller EURECO grants.

The EURECO Secretariat was located at the Department of Political Science and the administrative tasks were handled by EURECO’s research coordinator and student assistants.








To focus research within the area of European studies did not mean to invest in wide-spread, scattered initiatives all over the University of Copenhagen, but, rather, to make choices that could enhance the coordination and goal-oriented planning of research activities. Focused research also implied that the University of Copenhagen could react to and constructively deal with a number of burning platforms that had become salient to the surrounding society as well as engaging in long-term consolidation of basic research, which is essential to any serious research environment.

Among areas on which basic research was being conducted on a more permanent basis, the role of "Europe in Denmark", the role of "Denmark in Europe" and the role of "Europe in the world" were central. Continuous basic research had to be carried out on the legal, political, economic and historical foundations of Europe and European integration. At the same time, basic research was urgently needed to assess and anticipate Europe's future role and competitiveness as an international political, economic, military and "normative" power within the next decades. These were areas on which research had already been conducted at the University of Copenhagen. Further and focused investment in this well-established national platform firmly placed the University of Copenhagen as a leading and high-ranking institution on the Nordic and international scales of excellent EU and European research. And still does.

EURECO was comprised of many different EURECO researches from the three faculties and their related European research centres. This included the following centres and research groups:

  • Centre For Modern European Studies (CEMES) and the research group 'Rethinking European Integration'
  • Centre for Market and Economic Law (CME) (previous CESEL)
  • Centre for European and Comparative Legal Studies (CECS)
  • Centre for Studies in Legal Cultures (CSR)
  • Centre for Legal Studies in Welfare and Market (WELMA)
  • Centre For European Studies (CEP)















Every year from 2009 to 2017 EURECO organised the EURECO Distinguished Lecture Series, which offered lectures by leading scholars within the field of European studies and research.

The lectures covered a broad range of themes in continuation of current topics of the time.

The themes was chosen by the EURECO board and lecturers were invited to give a lecture about different related subtopics in accordance to their ongoing research.









Chair of EURECO's academic board
Professor Marlene Wind
Phone: +45 35 32 34 29