Castles: Tracing the Origins and Consequences of the Modern State

The modern state was a revolutionary institutional innovation that originated in medieval or early modern Europe, spread to all parts of the world and quickly became the dominant form of social organization. Today, the modern state is recognized as a necessary condition for democracy and for economic development. Despite the centrality of the modern state – and despite the fact that the definition of the state as an organization with a monopoly on the use of violence is uncontested – the social sciences have not yet produced a useful measure of this core concept. With the Castle-project this is no longer the case.


Project period: 2017-2023
Principal Investigator (PI): Jacob Gerner Hariri










Jacob Gerner Hariri

Asger Mose Wingender

External researchers

Christian N. Larsen

Eskild Jakobsen

Kasper Hansen

Maria Lok

Mikko Damgaard Sørensen

Samer Shaker



Jacob Gerner Hariri
Phone: +45 35 32 35 67








































Funded by:

The Independent Research Fund Denmark

Castles: Tracing the Origins and Consequences of the Modern State has received funding from the Independent Research Fund Denmark (DFF) under its Sapere Aude Research Leader-program