Harassment and violence in local politics

Democracy rests on a clear premise: elected representatives stand, and act for the represented. When harassment and sexism inhibit candidates and officeholders from campaigning and fulfilling their representative duties, electoral integrity, democratic legitimacy, and descriptive and substantial representation are all harmed. In light of an increased (focus on) harassment in politics, we explore the character, explanations and consequences of violence and harassment in politics.


12:00-13:00 Tórshavn (4.2.49) Sandra Håkansson presents her extensive and innovative research on harassment and violence in Swedish local politics

13:00-14:00 Max Weber (8.2.27) Christina Fiig & Karina Kosiara-Pedersen present the first results from their project ‘The Democratic Implications of Political Harassment and Sexism’ (DIPAS)

The event is sponsored by the DFF funded project ‘The Democratic Implications of Political Harassment and Sexism’ (DIPAS)