Gender@SAMF: Gender and globalization of violence

An increasing amount of interdisciplinary research in gender studies offers a global overview on the substantial rise of new and old modes of violence against women and queer communities.

In this seminar, we will discuss widely the nature, culture and magnitude of violence against gendered social groups across the world. These forms of violence include verbal and sexual abuse by intimate and non-intimate partners; trafficking of women; exploitation of gendered labor; debt bondage; neglect, harm and misogyny; online gender-based violence and stalking; and eventually femicide.

There are many potential perpetrators, including authoritarian states, spouses and partners, parents, family members, neighbors, and men in positions of power within a community. Most forms of violence are ongoing and recurring forms of abuse that continue for a long period of time. Yet, violence against gendered communities, individual or collective, is almost universally under-reported. Nevertheless, the prevalence of such violence suggests that globally, millions of gendered social groups are living with the consequences of abuse and assault.

The rise of the MeToo Movement and its intersectional history is considered a response to raging anger against sexual harassment and the exclusionary experiences of women in employment. Other human rights movements across the world also provide strategic interventions and instruments to mitigate systemic violence perpetrated by the state, by family and kinship networks, by digital media platforms, and various discourses and forms of structural inequalities.

In this day-long workshop, we invite brief (20-30 mins) presentations on research that explores the correlation between gender and violence in a globalizing world. The presentations can be theoretical, empirical, and methodological with a wide-ranging understanding of what constitutes violence.

We also invite papers which have policy implications, activist and applied social theories, and any other content that addresses questions of empowerment.

Time and place: 2 November, 2023 from 10:00-15:00 at Centre for Health and Society, Faculty Lounge, building 35, 3rd floor.

Please sign up with name, title of presentation/paper and any dietary requirements for lunch via email to by 1 October, 2023 if you want to present.

Please sign up with name and any dietary requirements for lunch via email to by 15 October, 2023 if you want to attend but not present.

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Gender@SAMF is a sponsored by strategic funds allocated by the Department of Political Science