DISMIS Speaker Series, Fall 2023: Anita Gohdes

The Hub for Dis-/misinformation research (DISMIS) is launching its first Speaker Series this fall, where we will have the pleasure to welcome Andrew Guess (Princeton University) and Anita Gohdes (the Hertie School) to the University of Copenhagen.

They will present their cutting-edge research and recent insights on misinformation and digital repression with plenty of time to engage with the audience following their presentations.Their talks will take place on the following dates:

  • Andrew Guess: Wednesday, October 25th, 2023, at 11:00-12:30 at Centre for Health and Society in room 5.0.28
  • Anita Gohdes: Monday, November 20th, 2023, at 11:00-12:30 at Centre for Health and Society in room 2.0.63


Recent research emphasizes social media’s potential for citizens to express shared grievances. In active conflict, however, social media posts indicating political loyalties can pose severe risks to civilians. We develop a theory that explains how civilians modify their online behavior as part of efforts to improve their security during conflict. After major changes in territorial control, civilians should be more likely to post positive content, and more content that supports the winning side. We study social media behavior during and after the siege of Aleppo in November 2016. We match Aleppo-based Twitter users with users from other parts of Syria and use large language models to analyze changes in online behavior after the regime’s retaking of the city. Results show that users in Aleppo post more positive and pro-Assad content, but only when self-disclosing their location. The findings have important implications for our understanding of digital communication in civil conflict.


Anita R. Gohdes is Professor of International and Cyber Security at the Hertie School in Berlin. She works at the intersection of international security and technology, and is the author of the forthcoming book titled “Repression in the Digital Age: Surveillance, Censorship, and the Dynamics of State Violence”. Previously, she was Assistant Professor of International Relations at the University of Zurich, and postdoctoral research fellow at Harvard Kennedy School’s Belfer Center’s International Security Program. Her work has been appeared in the American Journal of Political Science, Journal of Politics, Journal of Peace Research, Journal of Conflict Resolution, and Nature Human Behavior, among others.

Make sure to sign up ahead of the talks. Spots are limited! [REGISTRATION IS CLOSED]

NB: We kindly ask you to cancel (by writing to oham@ifs.ku.dk) if your plans change and you are prevented from coming, thereby we can give the spot to someone else and ensure that the lecture room is full.

Office hours with Anita Gohdes: Anita has agreed to meet with students and faculty one-on-one. Reach out to oham@ifs.ku.dk if this is of interest to you, and we will designate 5-10 min for you to meet.